601.418/618 (S24): Resources

This page links to some useful resources. We will likely be updating this page.


The JHU Pintos manual has a complete overview of Pintos and the project sequence.


The Setup page has the information you need to set up your development environment.

If you will be doing development on your own machine, we highly recommend using the prebuilt i386-elf toolchain for building Pintos. See the Setup document for information about building the Bochs emulator from source.

Review material

The following homework assignments were prepared by Prof. Huang for the Fall 2022 offering of OS.

They are not required or graded. We recommend that you complete them on your own to help you prepare for the exams. We will post solutions on Canvas, and we encourage you to ask questions about these homework problems when we do exam review sessions in class.

Homework Topics Preparation for
Homework 1 Execution mode, processes, interrupts, system calls Exam 1
Homework 2 Threads, scheduling, synchronization Exam 1
Homework 4 Virtual memory, paging Exam 2
Homework 5 Disks, filesystems Exam 3