601.418/618 (S24): Assignments


This page lists assignments and their due dates.

Individual assignments must be completed individually.

For Group assignments, you may work in a team with up to 3 members, or do the assignment individually. If you work in a team with multiple members, it is expected that each member will contribute substantially. We reserve the right not to award credit for an assignment to a student who has not made a substantial contribution.

Project setup

Please consult the Setup Instructions for information about getting started working on the assignments, including cloning the starter code and getting access to the required software. You will need to do this before you can make progress on any of the assignments.

The assignment descriptions linked below describe the tasks and deliverables for each assignment. Further information can be found in the JHU Pintos manual, and the assignment descriptions will link to this document as appropriate.

Acknowledgment: The assignments were developed by Prof. Ryan Huang, based on work by the Pintos team, especially Ben Pfaff.

Assignment Type Due
Assignment 0: Getting Real Individual Friday, Feb 2nd by 11 pm
Assignment 1: Threads Group Friday, Feb 23rd by 11 pm
Assignment 2: User Programs Group “Soft” deadline Friday, March 15th by 11 pm
Hard deadline Monday, March 25th by 11 pm
Assignment 3a: Virtual Memory Part A Group Friday, April 12th by 11 pm
Assignment 3b: Virtual Memory Part B Group Friday, April 26th by 11 pm
Assignment 4: File Systems Group
Monday, May 6th by 11 pm