601.418/618 (S25): Operating Systems, Spring 2025

Welcome to the website for Operating Systems (Spring 2025) at Johns Hopkins University!

This course covers the design and implementation of operating systems. In a series of assignments, students will implement significant parts of a realistic OS kernel.

All public information about the course (readings, assignments, etc.) will be posted on this website.

Use the links above to navigate the site. The Syllabus describes course policies. The Schedule is the schedule of readings and exams. The Assignments page has links to the programming assignments and indicates when they are due. The Resources page has links to useful resources.

Check out the Gradescope Information page for information about logging into Gradescope. (Unless you added the course after the semester started, you’re likely already registered, and you can use these instructions to log in.)

Please email daveho@cs.jhu.edu if you need to get access to Courselore or Gradescope.
